Week days: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM & 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Pasadena Sivan Temple

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The Los Angeles Hindu Society is a Hindu religious and charitable organization with the purpose provided as follows:
  • To promote the religious, social and cultural activities and the spiritual well being of the Hindu community in the State of California.

  • To educate, preserve, promote and further the religious traditions and the cultural heritage of the Hindu community in California, then to provide a unique center for worship and pilgrimage in North America dedicated to the Hindu Deities.

  • To organize and conduct Hindu religious ceremonies in California for devotees of the Hindu religion and those who believe in it.

  • To select and appoint a Hindu priest or priests to conduct Hindu religious ceremonies and rites on behalf of the devotees of the Hindu religion and to advise and educate devotees of the Hindu religion and other members of the public who may be interested.

  • To purchase and construct a permanent Temple and to develop and manage a Temple and associated amenities and property for conducting Hindu religious ceremonies, rites and open it for public worship.

  • To establish, perform, conduct and maintain in the temple regular public worship, Poojahs (mass), rites, festivals, observance and other religious ceremonies usually or traditionally conducted in a Hindu temple in accordance with procedures prescribed by the scriptures of the Saiva branch of Hinduism.